Recent Projects
Margaret has been undertaking a large amount of training within London primary schools, as well as consultancy work in preparation for Ofsted inspections. This includes working alongside senior management teams to identify the skills required and delivering personal development courses to suitPossible Training Days Margaret Could Deliver in Your School:
Outdoor Learning

Everyday Maths in the EYFS
Find out how you can embed maths in everyday play and activities indoors and out and make numeracy memorable and meaningful for children. This course will equip you with high-impact ideas which are easy to implement as well as guidance on how best to asses and observe progressMaths Outdoors Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Science Indoors and Outdoors
EYFS in Action
This course uses real-life examples from outstanding settings to explain what best-practice looks like in 2015 and how to achieve it. It also provides ways of improving reflective practice reducing paperwork and strategies for preparing all staff for inspection.
Mark Making and Early Graphics EYFS
Reggio Emilia and Montessori
The integrated CPD programme
Margaret also offers a complete training packages to help Early Years settings develop their practice to better meet the needs of the children and prepare for an Ofsted inspection, move up a grade or maintain their existing level.